The Truth about Botanicals - How to Avoid Cancer Stimulating Products
If you desire to change your skin care to reduce cancer stimulating products and instead harness the power of nature, there are a few things you will need to know.
What are Botanicals?
Botanicals are a term used for a group of powerful plant extracts and oils derived from flowers, herbs, nuts, seeds, roots and berries. Our body cells have been programmed through evolution to respond to botanicals that naturally occur in nature. Some botanicals include Lavender, Vanilla, Lemon Myrtle, Olive Leaf, Raspberry Seed, Kakadu Plum, Quandong, Bergamot, Aloe Vera, Elder Flower, Banksia Flower, Chamomile, Licorice, Milk Thistle and Calendula. The power that botanicals possess give the body revitalising results to the skin naturally without any harsh chemicals that can often cause adverse effects.
Why are Botanicals Better Compared to Harsh Chemicals in Skin Care?
In today's day and age there are so many chemically derived ingredients in products that attempt to mimic chemicals and deliver a desired result on the skin and in the body. For example, parabens are found in makeup, moisturisers, shaving gel, shampoo, spray tans etc. The FDA states that parabens mimic estrogen in the body which has been linked to breast cancer and skin cancer. By choosing organic or vegan with no added harsh chemicals, like JVERA, the power of nature can be embraced while eliminating all the risks that are causing harm to the body. Several recent scientific studies has shown using primary plants, herbs and natural oils, have been proven to restore skin to a healthier state. Each botanical has their own select benefits for the skin however, almost all possess natural antibacterial properties for the skin and pores which combat E'Coli, MRSA and other bacteria along with reducing skin irritation.
What Botanicals do for the Skin?
'Plants are the most amazing chemists and engineers.'
Botanicals can be used for all skin types and are used to naturally brighten, deliver nutrients, address uneven skin tone, redness, lines and wrinkles, signs of aging, reduce large pores, tighten and firm the skin. They are rich in omegas, antioxidants, vitamins, and properties to increase hydration and protection reflecting a youthful complexion.
The Advantage of Being Vegan & Organic ?
Botanicals that are naturally derived, grown in their natural environment, vegan and organic with no added chemicals increase product efficiency by improving skin benefits. JVERA products acknowledge this in their Botanical Range and ensure customers receive skin care that is as natural as possible, delivers amazing results and that is free from harsh chemicals that can lead to adverse effects. The power of nature really can heal and restore your body with radiance.
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